First I want to say thank you to those who help me in my project last year espicially to sir ardav and to this site itself.
now I'm in my (hopefully) last year of my college and now I'm thinking of "Online Establishment Finder System" as my final project.
But my Professor declined it, he said it's to simple, not suitable project for a CS, but I'm cool with that.
Now my problem is what should I add (feature) in my system so my prof. will accept it. (a map is not posible.)
suggestions of new system is appreciated..

Suggest to him an RSS feed reader or an online meeting tool like skype, I did those for my final year.

class, faculty and room scheduling system
if he does'nt think that is good enough, add this feature, shortest path algorithm that will look for the next room that can be used by the faculty.

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