what will be the porgram in win32 API to display horizontal scroll bar and add keyboard interface in it

Start with the basics of getting a window to display, and go from there.

what software wil be required to run the win32 programs

what software wil be required to run the win32 programs


is it visual studio 6.0

is it visual studio 6.0

No, it's Windows. To run a Windows program you need Windows. To write and build Win32 code, you can use Visual Studio. But I don't recommend Visual Studio 6 because it's relatively crappy compared to the newer versions. And you can also get newer versions for free (Visual Studio Express).

I tried to download the visual Studio 2010 Express version but its nt getting installed

I tried to download the visual Studio 2010 Express version but its nt getting installed

Not getting installed how? Do you see any errors? When does it happen? Does the installation even start? Did you save the download somewhere where you can find it? Do you even use Windows? Is your computer turned on? Did you blow on the cartridge before hitting the power button?

Come on, dude, throw a bone to the people who are trying to help. I really don't want to say "sucks for you" and walk away, but if getting any useful information from you is going to be like pulling teeth, then that's my go-to response.

i dnt remenber the error correctly bt it says some files r missing

i dnt remenber the error correctly bt it says some files r missing

Sucks for you. Try our Windows forum. Maybe someone there will be willing to help you install Visual Studio.

ok wil do that thanks

EDIT: Ok, left this post open for a while, and is irrelevant now... please ignore.

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