hi im a 3rd year student computer science can you give a proper title proposal for our thesis..we gave a proposal last week but its rejected he said its it special project or it thesis...he said we could use data mining but its not easy to do a software on data mining..its complicated..pls..help thanks

What focus have you had over the past three years? You may want to design your thesis around something you have an existing body of work for; something that you are familiar with. Starting from scratch and expecting to be successful is not always the best approach.


something that you are familiar with. Starting from scratch and expecting to be successful is not always the best approach.

I did my thesis on Signal Processing / Speech Recognition, something I hadn't even touched or researched before.. I get your point though, good advice :)!


Data Mining would be a little bit hard to work and finish thesis in time. Why don't you go for protocol modification in MANET or VANET with Network Simulator 2. You need to just change some parameters in existing protocols like DSR or AODV and just generate the simulation in NS2.

At the end, after the all simulations, just provide graphs which show your optimization or any other result that you have achieved. The simplest way to finish thesis. To understand the NS2 visit: NS2 Guide

Apart from this, you can go for Cloud Security or Cloud Services but it requires more time if you have.

If you are going to do wireless simulation you should be targeting ns-3, not ns2.

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