Can anyone help me with this homework? Been trying to work it out but I'm still not getting how to do this. arggh..getting really frustrated:confused: This is impossible or sumthing yikes!

Sure, you first read the documentation which describes your processor and how to decode an instruction (say 0x24FF) into an actual instruction (say move r0, r1).

The rest is just rinse and repeat.

lol salem can you explain more please, i'm not understanding your computer terms thanks

anyone willing to give solution? I will paypal you some money lol argghh...it's due in 2 hours

How much money? 2 hours = $400.

hmm 400 is way over my budget haha i'm a broke college student so i'll do what i can

hmm 400 is way over my budget haha i'm a broke college student so i'll do what i can

Cheaper and more productive to just do your own homework.

hmm k thanx for the advice:)

> i'm not understanding your computer terms thanks
How exactly have you lasted this long on the course?

There's nothing hard about this at all, it's just a bit of applied book work.

> 4 Hours Ago | Add to rdonr's Reputation | Flag Bad Post
> anyone willing to give solution? I will paypal you some money lol argghh...it's due in 2 hours
Nevermind, it looks like the problem has attended to itself.

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