I have uploaded a case which i have to draw the ER diagrams for a database. Can anyone help me please! i m desperate :(

You need to show the following:

- A box for each table in the database, with all of the variables listed inside the box.

- A line connecting each relationship. It runs between the variables in the two tables that are related.

- Indications of whether the relationship is one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many. These are usually a 1 for the "one" end of a line, and an infinity symbol for the "many" end of a line.

Microsoft Access uses ER diagrams in the Relationships window to let you use the mouse to create and remove relationships.

Google "ER diagram" to see more.

i wil try to do this and put it in here soon

pliz i need some help on writing a system analysis and development propasal

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