Hello everybody!!!!

I am just curious if I can make a database where all the data are images like bitmap, jpeg and other pictures format...

If yes, can you pls show me some code or sites to where I can learn a lot about this..



It is generally more practical to save the path to the images in the database, rather than the images. This applies to any binary file. Let the OS file system take care of the files.

If you save the images in the database you have just doubled the disk space required to store the images. And what happens when an image is moved, renamed, or deleted?

Plus what is the point? The database can't search an image so why keep it in a database?

trudge is right, there is no point to save images in database. Displaying images from databse is relatively slow than filesystem. But if you still want to save images in database, take a look this small code snippest.

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