
i have my php pages done already and it's running good in my localhost but when i have uploaded it, search engine would not work. i have changed the appropriate database names and tables provided by the web host , but it just doesnt work still. I know that the database has been connected because it is not giving error and it can search for the database saying that "22 results found", but nothing is displayed. my records have pictures in it, but there is nothing displayed but the square with x in it.

Do you think there's a problem with my database connection or something?
I would very much appreciate any reply regarding this.


If there are no errors but no results are displayed, check your code that displays the results. Chances are you aren't seeing the results because you don't have an "echo" statement to display them. It would help if I could see your code.

worked wonders!!
thanks a lot!

If there are no errors but no results are displayed, check your code that displays the results. Chances are you aren't seeing the results because you don't have an "echo" statement to display them. It would help if I could see your code.

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