
I have a database running on MSSQL server 2005. Now I want to move all my data in MySQL server 5.

I am familiar with MySQL and PhpMyAdmin. Please help me what is the best way to do this.


Michael Kofler wrote a VBA module that will do this. You'll need Excel, Word, or a MS program that can run VBA. Here is the script with commented instructions on how to use and what variables to change. I've never used this but it looks like a very good, simple alternative to those pricey migration programs.

Thank you for reply..
I will try and will reply here

To buddylee1.7 : My MSSQL server is down now.. will try it.

Any more suggestions are also welcome...

If anyone has tried any other process or technique please reply here with descriptions

The .SQL file created successfully. But, when I was going to restore it, it gives me error.

I think the SQL file is based on mysql version 4.

The table structure is :

CREATE TABLE `db-development`.`aspnet_Applications`
(`ApplicationName` TEXT NOT NULL, 
`LoweredApplicationName` TEXT NOT NULL, 
`ApplicationId` TINYBLOB NOT NULL, 
`Description` TEXT NULL, 
INDEX `aspnet_Applications_Index`(`LoweredApplicationName`(255)), 
PRIMARY KEY(`ApplicationId`(16)), 
UNIQUE `UQ__aspnet_Applicati__58671BC9`(`LoweredApplicationName`(255)), 
UNIQUE `UQ__aspnet_Applicati__595B4002`(`ApplicationName`(255))) ENGINE InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8;

The sql code is :

INSERT INTO `aspnet_Applications` (`ApplicationName`, `LoweredApplicationName`, `ApplicationId`, `Description`)  VALUES('0', '0', 0xCB965601D584422BA3972F5CBB91AF32, NULL);

The error is :


SQL query:

INSERT INTO `aspnet_Applications` ( `ApplicationName` , `LoweredApplicationName` , `ApplicationId` , `Description` )
'0', '0', 0xCB965601D584422BA3972F5CBB91AF32, NULL

MySQL said: Documentation
#1062 - Duplicate entry 'Ë–VÕ„B+£—/\»‘¯2' for key 1

Try Msql Migration Toolkit,its a free download on mysql site

its the easier way

really good discussion

Thank you varmadba

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