Hi, I've got a major headache with a SQL Union statement.

Basically I'm running a SQL Union statement in ASP that is not returning the first few unions. But if I run the SQL in enterprise manager it runs fine. I can't find anything on the web that even remotely describes this problem so I'm really hoping someone here can answer it for me.

The ASP code is as follows:

DSNtemp = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=" & data_source & ";database=" & database & ";uid=" & uid & ";pwd=" & pwd & ";"
set MyConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
MyConn.ConnectionTimeout = 15
MyConn.CommandTimeout =  10
MyConn.Mode = 1 'adModeRead

if MyConn.state = 0 then
   MyConn.Open DSNtemp
end if

set rsSetup = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

rsSetup.CursorLocation = 3
rsSetup.CacheSize = 20
rsSetup.open searchSQL, MyConn, 1, 1

if rsSetup.RecordCount > 0 then
   rsSetup.PageSize = 20
   TotalPages = rsSetup.PageCount
   rsSetup.AbsolutePage = CurPage
   searchdata = rsSetup.getrows
   searchnumcols = ubound(searchdata,1)
   searchnumrows = ubound(searchdata,2)

   FOR searchrowcounter = 0 TO searchnumrows
      <output results>
end if

And an example of the generated SQL is:

SELECT TOP (500) link_id, searchorder FROM
(SELECT link_id, '0' AS searchorder FROM links AS S WHERE (LINK_ADDRESS LIKE '%Level 5, 12 Pitt STREET%' OR LINK_ADDRESS LIKE '%Level 5, 12 Pitt ST%') AND (LINK_STATE = 'NSW') AND (LINK_CITY LIKE '%Sydney%') AND (LINK_ZIP = '2000'))
(SELECT link_id, '1' AS searchorder FROM links AS S WHERE (LINK_ADDRESS LIKE '%Pitt STREET%' OR LINK_ADDRESS LIKE '%Pitt ST%') AND (LINK_STATE = 'NSW') AND (LINK_CITY LIKE '%Sydney%') AND (LINK_ZIP = '2000'))
(SELECT link_id, '2' AS searchorder FROM links AS S WHERE (LINK_ADDRESS LIKE '%Pitt%') AND (LINK_STATE = 'NSW') AND (LINK_CITY LIKE '%Surry Hills%') AND (LINK_ZIP = '2000'))
(SELECT link_id, '3' AS searchorder FROM links AS S WHERE (LINK_STATE = 'NSW') AND (LINK_CITY LIKE '%Sydney%') AND (LINK_ZIP = '2000'))
(SELECT link_id, '4' AS searchorder FROM links AS S WHERE (LINK_STATE = 'NSW') AND (LINK_CITY LIKE '%Sydney%'))
(SELECT link_id, '5' AS searchorder FROM links AS S WHERE (LINK_ZIP = '2000'))
(SELECT link_id, '6' AS searchorder FROM links AS S WHERE (LINK_STATE = 'NSW'))
) AS searchresults
ORDER BY searchorder ASC

ASP will only display results from where searchorder equals 2???

Ok, thats the weirdest thing ever. When I copied the SQL statement from enterprise manager and run it in ASP it works fine. I then matched the ASP generated SQL statement to enterprise manager version of statement "to the character" and it still doesn't work. What the heck! ???

sure you are hitting the same database?

also, is it a long running query? if so, might want up your limits

I figured it out last night. Its a bit embarrassing! All it was that some of the generated values had consecutive whitespaces. It doesn't show up in html or pasted into a text editor because the browser automatically strips extra whitespace. It wasn't until I exported it with a urlencode function that I realized my mistake. Duh!

Thanks anyway

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