Hi Guys ,

I would appreciate any help on the following problem:

Volunteer details Services provided by volunteer
Volunteer No 10
Name Ian Wright
Telephone 020 7089 6576
Address Hard Grove, isleworth

Booking records
client no client name date required hours required service code
004 Lee smith 19/01/08 2 01
004 Lee Smith 02/02/08 1 05
006 Sally Williams 03/02/08 3 09
007 Zaki Patel 03/02/08 1 05

Assume also that additional details are kept for clients, including address, telephone numbers and next of kin. Clients who have pets have information stored on these as well (pet number, pet name, and description). Clients who have children and require baby sitting have the following information: child number, name, date of birth, sex.

Use one of the following: BCNF, 4NF and 5NF. Use any part of the data as illustrated in the scenario above and, in addition you can add your own attributes to assist in the illustration.

the question is to develop BCNF OR 4NF OR 5NF using the scenario above and, in addition you can add your own attributes to assist in the illustration.

Many Thanks!!

Guys please help with this.I need to hand this piece of work this week and i need some help.

well how about you start your assignment, and we'll help you out, i know i have told you this before, we do not do the work for you, its not our grade, so show your own work

well how about you start your assignment, and we'll help you out, i know i have told you this before, we do not do the work for you, its not our grade, so show your own work

I have done the assignment all the questions the only i am stuck with is this one about BCNF,4NF AND 4NF

I have to do either one of these normalisations form just one so help me please

Many Thanks

well your booking records could be broken out, otherwise as you have there are two different lee smith's if you take case into account

I'm not sure your system is complex enough to warrant going past 3NF. There has to be some very complex relationships to require it although it could concern the pets and children. Most relational examples work fine as long as all the non key dependencies are resolved into their own tables. I'm assuming you already determined your Entities and their relations exhaustively? I wonder if your problems is not understanding the defintiion of BCNF,4NF, 5NF and DKNF. Might be an idea to read up and do some worked examples. Then once you get the picture, apply it to your system.

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