how to convert the file format of access .mdb to .dll system? can anyone know?

Why are you wanting the mdb file in a dll file? If you are trying to run an Access database on a computer that doesn't have Access, you can download the trial version of Access 2007; once the trial expires, the program will then function as the runtime version of Access. You can not make a .mdb file into a dll.

because its my assignment and i don't know how to do that :(

its not possible...

huhuhuh i dont know how to do!

because its my assignment and i don't know how to do that :(

Sounds like the assignment may have been misunderstood. But since we don't have the assignment (nor access to the instructor) we can't verify that.

If what you are saying is completely true, the way that it was said originally, then I would love to see what the instructor gives as the answer because I've never seen that done.

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