i created a new user with all the privileges in mysql and it didn't work. no user works except "root with no password" which is why i created several user and tried it...still didn't work....if anyone know what is wrong....please lemme know....

thank you....

What does the error message say?

It depends on your error message
if its says access denied then it the problem with mysql /username/password
but if its saying can't reach mysql server its the connectivity problem

mysql can disable access by host aswell as username/password

eg. user@localhost may work, but user@ wont.

GRANT ALL ON mydb.* TO 'someuser'@'somehost';

will allow all hosts

GRANT ALL ON mydb.* TO 'someuser'@'%';

Thanks for the reply.

I did:

GRANT ALL ON mydb.* TO 'username'@'localhost';

but there is a password in this user thats y it probably it gives an error. "couldn't find the field in table users."

and for reference the error it shows in my web app is:

Warning: mysqli::mysqli() [mysqli.mysqli]: (28000/1045): Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

and works perfectly fine if i use root with no password.

sorry. my bad. that wouldnt have put a password on the user,

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mydb.* TO 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'some_pass';

i advise setting a root password. major security risk.


heh; yeah like what happened with david mckinnons and the U.S Miltary.

i don't get it....phpMyAdmin shows an error...

#1133 - Can't find any matching row in the user table

when i entered:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mydb.* TO 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

i have checked it at-least 20 times if i was making a mistake somewhere....but i cant seem to find any....i'm doing exactly what you're saying....how can it not find that field when i can see it...

and when i made this user i did grant all the privileges if thats what the above command is for.

and thanks for the password on root tip....i do have a password now....thanks....

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