Hi everyone,
I am trying to create a vacation planner where users can log in and save their plans.
I have created a table called planner_plans and this is going to contain the main info such as title etc. but how do i make it so that when the user submits the form and enters results into the database it is UNIQUE to that user, so when the user comes back it can be retrieved as that users plan.
I have got it set up so that the answers to the form are posted into the database but i just need to know how i can make it unique to the user.
I am a newbie to the mysql and php!!
Many Thanks:)

You need to save a UserId with the plan data in that table.

How would i go about doing that??
I am using joomla so that assigns each user a unique id, so how would i save the plan info for that user id?

Many Thanks for the quick reply

You'll have to add the UserId column to whatever table has the plan data and save it along with the rest.

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