
Intel Xeon CPU 2.40Ghz -- 2GB Ram
Windows 2003 R2 Standard edition - (SP 2 applied)
SQLServer 2008
Management Studio 2008 (v 10.0.1600.22)

I am trying to add a maintenance job using the wizard to perform a backup and I get almost to the end and then I see an error in the five step finishing window. The action is "saving maintenance plan 'Dailybackup' ". The error is shown below.

I can look at the user tables and other maintenance jobs during this session, so my credentials seem to be OK for SQLServer access. It is almost as if I cannot write the maintenance plan to the maintenance table. How can I check the permissions to this maintenance table and fix this issue?

Thanks - Pop

------------------ error message follows -----------
The save to sql method has encountered OLE DB error code 0x80004005 (A network related or instance specific error has occurred while establishing a connectin to SQL server. Server is not found or not accessable).....
---------------- end of error message -----------

It's remote server?

Thank you for helping me debug this issue.

The SQLserver database and the SQL management studio are running on the same piece of hardware (which made the error message confusing to me as well). Perhaps I am performing some sort of unwanted loopback with the configuration (which I inherited) but I do not want to be.

If there is something I can execute to see this topology, I am happy to run it and post results.

Thanks - Pop

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