Hi everyone, im really stuck! I need to create a front end web site with a back end access database for my module at university. i have no idea how to do it!! do i create the web page and then create forms within the page and then link it to access?????

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Is it required that you use access?

Access is not the best choice for this kind of application. Unless you are required to use access (part of a class assignment or something) you would be better off looking into either Oracle or Microsoft Structured Query Language (SQL) Server. Those applications are built for large scale databases, Access is built to handle small-scale applications. Hope this helps!


Is it required that you use access?

Thanks for replying, yes it is...thats the problem. i would have used SQL if i was alowed, any suggestions?

Access is not the best choice for this kind of application. Unless you are required to use access (part of a class assignment or something) you would be better off looking into either Oracle or Microsoft Structured Query Language (SQL) Server. Those applications are built for large scale databases, Access is built to handle small-scale applications. Hope this helps!


Thanks for replying, yes i have to use access, its a nightmare, i would have used SQL but they want us to use Access only. andy suggestions?

I use asp , but this will get you connected to the database from then on its standard sql language (just about )

Set cnDatabase = Server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
cnDatabase.Open "DBQ=" & "C:\InetPub\wwwroot\Database\db.mdb" & ";Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DriverId=25;MaxBufferSize=8192;Threads=20;", "username", "password"

set rsRecordset = cnDatabase.Execute("Select Count(*) AS RecCount From Tips")
numRec = rsRecordset("RecCount")
set rsRecordset = nothing
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