Greetings! I am hoping someone can help me with a MS SQL query/view problem.

I am creating a "name my new baby" website where parents can upload a picture of their child and have

users cast votes for a good name. Users will see the child's photo and they will be able to "agree"

with a current suggested name or post their own suggested name. I know most parents would rather name

their own kid..this is just for fun to see what I can accomplish. :)

So far I have two tables like this:

kidID (int unique primary key)
parentId (int..cross referenced to parents account)
photoFile (varchar 25 characters referencing file photo)

nameId (int unique primary key)
suggestedName (varchar 15 characters)
votescast (int...this counts how many votes each name has)

What I would like is to have a "masterlist" page that shows a list of all current photos with the
currently top voted name. So if newborn.jpg has 25 votes for "Sammy" and littlecutie.jpg has 3 votes

for "Jessica" my query would return the fields "KidId, photoFile, suggestedName, VotesCast" with the

date being:

5, redheadnewborn.jpg, "Sammy", 25
12, littlecutie.jpg, "Jessica", 3

I am only interested in seeing the top voted name for each photo. I have tried a number of queries

involving views...none of which seem to return what I want.

I know this will probably involve the sql count function but I can't find an example that is close to what I want. Any help would be very appreciated. If it helps I am using MS SQL 2008.


Odd database design but you could do something like:

  KidID int identity(1000, 1) PRIMARY KEY,
  ParentId int,
  PhotoFile varchar(25)

  NameId int identity(1000, 1) PRIMARY KEY, --is this the voters id?
  KidId int, --kid this relates to
  SuggestedName varchar(15),
  --VotesCast int --You shouldn't store a bucket total in a table like that. You will probably want
  --to store individual votes so you can log IP addr of who voted, etc etc
Declare @ID int
Insert Into Kids_Test (ParentId, PhotoFile) Values (1, 'redheadnewborn.jpg')
SET @ID = Cast(SCOPE_IDENTITY() as int)
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Sammy')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'SomeoneElse')
Insert Into Kids_Test (ParentId, PhotoFile) Values (1, 'littlecutie.jpg')
SET @ID = Cast(SCOPE_IDENTITY() as int)
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Jessica')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Jessica')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Jessica')
Insert Into Votes_Test (KidId, SuggestedName) Values (@ID, 'Bob')

Select *,
  Select Top 1 SuggestedName
  From Votes_Test
  Where Votes_Test.KidId = Kids_Test.KidId
  Group By KidId, SuggestedName
  Order By Count(*) Desc
) As SuggestedName,
  Select Top 1 Count(*)
  From Votes_Test
  Where Votes_Test.KidId = Kids_Test.KidId
  Group By KidId, SuggestedName
) As Cnt
From Kids_Test

hey simply add a new field in votes table as a foreign key of kids
like kid_id.
then in your query u sort you results with votescast.
Just think about dat........ its not a big issue
have a gr8 day with sql

your query shud b like

select kids.kidID , kids.PhotoFile , votes.kid_id, votes.SuggestedName , votes.votescast from kids, votes where kids.KidID = votes.kid_id order by votes.votescast DESC";
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