Hi guys. Here's my problem.

I have a Windows Form application which connects to a mysql database by using ODBC Driver. It works fine on localhost. Now what I intend to do is to connect this application to a mysql database that is in a hosting provider's mysql server. I am using 000webhost.com which is a really good free hosting site for testing.

I have this connection string in my application:

@"Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};Server=xxx.000webhost.com;Database=xxx_scm;User=xxx_root;Password=xxx_root;";

The data that I entered here were given by 000webhost.com. But when I try to run my application using that connection string, it doesn't work. Any help? :)


You also need to add a user (or have a user added by the hosting company) to the MySQL users table that connects from the remote IP. (i.e. dbuser@ ) to tell MySQL it is OK to accept connections from that host as that user to the specified database.

you must input values where you have "xxx"


You also need to add a user (or have a user added by the hosting company) to the MySQL users table that connects from the remote IP. (i.e. dbuser@ ) to tell MySQL it is OK to accept connections from that host as that user to the specified database.

Is the IP part needed? I have already made users for the database but i don't think it has the option to allow connection from remote ip but i will try. Thanks! :)

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