I have a table in SQL Server with the following structure:

DateRated, Parameter, Rating, UserID

Sample Data

DateRated Parameter Rating UserID

10/01/2010 Flexibility Good User101
10/01/2010 Efficiency Average User101
10/01/2010 Value For Money Below Average User101

I want to create a query that will make it like this:

DateRated Flexibility Efficiency Value For Money
10/01/2010 Good Average Below Average

I have managed it to make it up to this point:

DateRated Flexibility Efficiency Value For Money
10/01/2010 Good
10/01/2010 Average
10/01/2010 Below Average

Using this code:

DECLARE @t2 TABLE (ID int IDENTITY(1,1), Column2 nvarchar(255))
INSERT @t2 (Column2)(SELECT DISTINCT Parameter FROM Parameter_Master)
DECLARE @Max int
DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @Column nvarchar(255)
DECLARE @i int
SET @i = 1
WHILE @i <= @Max
      SET @Column = (SELECT Column2 FROM @t2 WHERE ID = @i)
    SET @SQL = @SQL + 'CASE WHEN Parameter  = ''' + @Column + ''' THEN  Rating END AS [' + @Column + ']' + CHAR(13)
      SET @i = @i + 1
    IF  @i <= @Max
            SET @SQL = @SQL + ','
SET @SQL = @SQL + ', Cast(Convert(varchar(8),RatedOn, 112) as Datetime), FROM Company_Ratings 
where Company_ID = 2002 Group By RatedON, Rating, Parameter, '  


I can't find a way to keep it in one line only. Any help will be much appreciated.

A friend of daniweb give out a good solution.

in this post there are two solutions for it. the first one should work if you have MSSQL 2005 and above, the last solution will work no matter what version you have. I hope that help you.

A friend of daniweb give out a good solution.

in this post there are two solutions for it. the first one should work if you have MSSQL 2005 and above, the last solution will work no matter what version you have. I hope that help you.

Thanks for the post. Anyway, I solved my problem by inserting the results that I got from the script above to a temporary table and running a select query(with grouping and using Max function against the pivoted columns) against that table to get the results that I wanted.

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