Dear All,
I have a table tblEventAlert as below. So what happens when the data gets insert into this table the problem is that the eventAlertID is autoincrement. Then below it I have another table. My problem is that I want the eventAlertID to be stored into the tblSCvData. I know I can have a master table and read the last value and update that table whenever I need to insert data into tblEventAlert but I am scared because my rate of insert will be high and that might cause a delay or many deadlocks too. Any other solution? Another solution is to compare eventAlertDateTime from tblEventAlert and dateTimer from tblScvData is that ok to compare based on datetime?

`eventAlertID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`enterpriseID` int(5) NOT NULL,
`associateID` int(5) NOT NULL,
`vehicleID` int(5) NOT NULL,
`trailerID` int(5) NOT NULL,
`masterID` int(5) NOT NULL,
`slaveID` int(5) NOT NULL default '0',
`eventAlertType` varchar(5) NOT NULL,
`eventAlertCategory` enum('D','E','S') NOT NULL,
`eventAlertDateTime` datetime NOT NULL,
`eventAlertInsertDateTime` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
`eventAlertLatitude` double NOT NULL,
`eventAlertLongitude` double NOT NULL,
`geoFenceID` int(5) NOT NULL,
`eventAlertTypeSend` enum('Email','Sms') NOT NULL,
`eventAlertSentEmail` varchar(50) default NULL,
`eventAlertSentPhone` varchar(11) default NULL,
`eventAlertMessage` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`eventAlertID`)

`scvDataID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`header` varchar(3) NOT NULL,
`deviceType` varchar(3) NOT NULL,
`eventID` varchar(2) NOT NULL,
`masterSerialNumber` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`simStatus` smallint(6) NOT NULL,
`csq` smallint(6) NOT NULL,
`mcc` smallint(6) NOT NULL,
`mccc` smallint(6) NOT NULL,
`latitude` double NOT NULL,
`longitude` double NOT NULL,
`speed` float NOT NULL,
`course` int(3) NOT NULL,
`dateTimer` datetime NOT NULL,
`gpsDateTime` datetime NOT NULL,
`gpsStat` tinyint(4) NOT NULL,
`unitStat` varchar(12) NOT NULL,
`serialKey` varchar(8) NOT NULL,
`digitalInOut` varchar(4) NOT NULL,
`fuelLevel` varchar(3) NOT NULL,
`battVolt` float NOT NULL,
`deviceVolt` float NOT NULL,
`odoMeter` float NOT NULL default '0',
`chkSum` varchar(8) NOT NULL,
`driverID` int(5) NOT NULL,
`groupID` varchar(8) NOT NULL,
`associateID` int(5) NOT NULL default '0',
`geoFenceID` int(5) NOT NULL default '0',
`eventAlertID` int(11) NOT NULL,
`scvDataInsertDateTime` datetime NOT NULL,
`gpsString` varchar(450) NOT NULL,

I think you must use mysql function last_insert_id() when u insert data in tblscvdata


query1="insert into `tblEventAlert` ( `eventAlertID` , `enterpriseID` , `associateID` ..) values(null,'1','2')";


query2="insert into `tblscvdata` ( `scvDataID` , `header` , `deviceType` ..) values(last_insert_id(),'hdr','det')";


Dear Urtrivedi,
I my case I have a java socket listener where once I open a connection I wont close. So all the socket thread share the same single connection. Will this method have a risk or better to use another method I found statement get generated key? Thank you.

last_insert_id function of mysql takes care of all concurrency problem. So instead of building your own logic in java code, its safe to use mysql function.

Dear Urtrivedi,
Now I got one more problem. In most cases base on certain criteria then only I will enter into tblGeoFenceAlert or tblEventAlert. Then I want to have two foreign both representing the primary key of these table into tblScvData? So what will be best solution in this case?

if(criteria = ...)
insert into tblGeoFenceAlert
if(criteria = ...)
insert into tblEventAlert

Insert into tblScvData().
if(criteria = ...)
insert into tblGeoFenceAlert
Insert into tblScvData();//insert last_insert_id with appropirate column
if(criteria = ...)
insert into tblEventAlert
Insert into tblScvData();//insert last_insert_id with appropirate column

Dear Urtrivedi,
Actually my codes of if and else are very complex. I have a number of inner if and else for decision making then only finally I have section on insert into tblScvData. So is there any method where on temporary basis I capture last_insert_id for both tblGeoFenceAlert and tblEventAlert then later I send them accordingly into tblScvData?

you fetch last id in variable using sql query

"select last_insert_id()"

Dear Urtrivedi,
Thank you so then after the select must I run like normal java.

String selectQuery1 = "select last_insert_id()"
ResultSet rs1 = stmt.executeQuery(selectQuery1);



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