
Im going to use some federated tables that I need but I know that the engine does not support foreign keys.

Im thinking of alternatives and this is the one so far:

Tables from the remote side and related related with a foreign key on the local side.

Its the only way I can think of to keep the relations I need. The other one would be not to relate any table at all but obviously this cant be done.

Suggestions? Thank you

Foreign keys are to guarantee database integrity. If you maintain only the local database and update the remote by use of federated tables, then integrity errors on the remote should not occur - except with incomplete transactions. Do federated tables support transactions?

Foreign keys are to guarantee database integrity. If you maintain only the local database and update the remote by use of federated tables, then integrity errors on the remote should not occur - except with incomplete transactions. Do federated tables support transactions?

Federated tables (as mentioned) does not allow foreign keys....

If I have the original DB with foreign keys located at server one (1) and my data base located at server two (2), I cant make all the tables federated at (1) because federated tables dont have that support.

Do you mean make federated tables at (2) and have them point at (1)? If so, Ive been told that I cant modify anything at (1) (security reasons) so this is unlikely....

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