hi i am writing a report, it must have parameters ToDate and FromDate,now the thing is i did all that but it stllrespond with just headring no data. Please help what am i doing wrong

Pleas, post here your report definition to see what happens.

    declare @Fromdate varchar(10)
    declare @todate varchar(10)
    select names 
           sum qult
                   when sum(qult) = '0'
                   then sum(equiv)
                   else sum(num)
                        when sum(qult) = '0'
                       then sum(equiv)
                       else sum(num)
                    end as 'actual'  
        certaintable inner join
        thistable inner join

        WHERE (sDte IN (SELECT sDte FROM tableDate WHERE (YrNme = '2012'))) AND
    (UOM IN (SELECT UOM FROM tableMeasure WHERE (TypeLbl = ('PAL')))) AND
                (vTpe IN (SELECT vTpe FROM tableService WHERE (vCde IN ('jj', 'BB', 'CB','CE', 'C', 'Cg', 'kk')))) AND
    (Prod IN
            (SELECT Prod
                          FROM tableProduct
                                    WHERE ProdNme = 'chivken'
                                                                    AND VarNme = 'country'))

   {what i need is to put the 2 parameters @fromdate and @todate so that when a client chosse a date that client reciev info inbetween those dates} 

sorry it took me this long to say thank u , your code is exactly like mine its like we are working for the same company

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