I'm trying to get to grips with this create view thingy, but can't see it.

This creats my view

mysql_query("CREATE VIEW list AS 
   SELECT AlbumId,Title FROM album,
   LEFT JOIN artist ON album.artistId = artist.ArtistId ORDER BY album.Title")or die ("no dice pal   ".mysql_error());

that works, and creats it fine. But when I run the query

  <table class='tables' align='center' border='1'>
  $list=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM list");



the last column in the table 'Artist' is blank, what am I missing here guys, aside from a few million brain cells?

There is no error except that you are not getting Name.So $row['Name'] is empty.

Change the above to this(i am assuming the field "artist name" as "Name" in Database).

mysql_query("CREATE VIEW list AS 
SELECT AlbumId,Title,Name FROM album, 
LEFT JOIN artist ON album.artistId = artist.ArtistId ORDER BY album.Title")or die ("no dice pal ".mysql_error());

ah, you beat me to it...

Thanks guys, I know this is something I should have learnt long since, but I've been lazy.....

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