drop trigger if exists update_asset;
drop trigger if exists insert_asset;
drop trigger if exists process_asset;

delimiter |
create procedure process_asset_calc
in name varchar(50),
in cost decimal(20,2),
in life int(11),
in whenacquired date,
inout Months_Depreciated int(11),
inout Accumulated_Value double(2,0),
in residual_value double(2,0),
inout Monthly_Depreciation double(2,0),

set Months_Depreciated = (YEAR(NOW() * 12 + Month (NOW())) - YEAR(whenacquired)*12;
set Monthly_Depreciation = (cost/life)*residual_value;
set Accumulated_Value = Months_Depreciated * Monthly_Depreciation;
CREATE TRIGGER `update_asset`
before update ON `asset`
for each row
call process_asset_calc(new.name,new.cost,new.life,new.residual_value,new.whenacquired,new.Accumulated_Value,new.Monthly_Depreciation, new.Months_Depreciated);
CREATE TRIGGER `insert_asset`
before insert ON `asset`
for each row
  call process_asset_calc(new.name,new.cost,new.life,new.residual_value,new.whenacquired,new.Accumulated_Value,new.Monthly_Depreciation, new.Months_Depreciated);

delimiter ;

when i run this code it gives me this error "#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')
set Months_Depreciated = (YEAR(NOW() * 12 + Month (NOW())) - YEAR(whenac' at line 12 "

and i can't seem to get what it means. Please any help clearing this error will be appreciated. thanks

Missing parenthesis:

set Months_Depreciated = 
        NOW() * 12 + Month
    ) - YEAR(whenacquired) * 12;

i dnt know but it still gives me this error "#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')

set Months_Depreciated =
NOW() * 12 + Month
) - Y' at line 11  "

You need to either add or remove one parenthesis.

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