
i have taken shared hosting plan ..my sql query on phpmyadmin is

SELECT 'EMAIL','first','last' UNION select email,first,last from e where skills regexp "javapl" and deposit>=bid INTO OUTFILE '/home/user/etc/csvfiles/1412231915.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'

but it shows error

1045 - Access denied for user 'user'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

what should i do??

This is likely because your user probably does not have the FILE privilege. I would be very much surprised to see a user on shared hosting that has this privilege as it's quite dangerous.

Note that phpMyAdmin has an export link at the bottom of all SQL results, just run your normal query, then download the file and upoad to wherever you need it.

You can use the other queries.I think this query is wrong (SELECT 'EMAIL','first','last' UNION select email,first,last from e where skills regexp "javapl" ).Rearrange this query then you can get the results.

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