What is the most popular scripting language on the internet?
what is the most popular Database?

What is the most popular scripting language on the internet?
what is the most popular Database?

my guess would be perl for scripting language and access for database.

note, i'm not ranking those guesses on how good they are; just how many people use them

edit: i didn't read the 'on the internet' part of your post. in terms of dynamic sites its got to be php/mysql

most popular is that we know it

From my experience a lots of programmers use php and mysql...

In my opinion, the most popular scripting language is PHP together with the popular database mySQL where the sources can be obtained for free.

you really think more people use MySQL than Access?

In terms of web design, then yeah - you're probably right but Access is definately more commonly used in general terms.

Obviously, popularity has nothing to do with quality

My guess is also toward Mysql and Php.
Popular has nothing to do with quality but easy of use...

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