Can anyone help me create an .exe using Mirosoft Access. I have an Access application and I want to place an .exe file on the server so that everyone can have access to it.

Please Help!!:!: :cheesy:

You can't, but you can re-distribute an access run-time engine that means people can run the db withpout having to have Acces themselves.

To be allowed to do that you must be a licensed holder of Microsoft Office Developer edition.

If all your users have Access, just put your .mdb in a shared folder on the server, users on the network can run it directly from there through a mapped network drive.

Ideally you should convert it to an .MDE (it's on the access menus someplace) this sort of seals it up a bit so noone can muck about with the tables and queries and stuff. (unless the're clever he he)

Thanks hollystyles, in the meantime I was going to create an MDE and put it on a Network Drive however what I want to do was the following. Our Network can be incredible slow at times because so many others are working from it. So i wanted them to go into the Network and click and executable that zips everything into a specified folder.

I hope I am not confusing you but I thought I had seen this done before...

You can't do that with the normal access package. You have to have a developers package that allows you to distribute the code.

You can't do that with the normal access package. You have to have a developers package that allows you to distribute the code.

Err..Yeah.. I'd already explained that.

What Dubz want's now is a way to zip the files for a user. I don't quite get the reasoning behind that without more information, why can't you just zip the mde on the server and copy it into the share? you could do it with a batch file I imagine, is it a windows server? or a SAMBA share or what?

i didn't get the exe file . i did the mde file then i want to convert to exe file

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