If this is in the wrong place, I apologize. I simply couldn't think of anywhere else to put it.

I've recently been attempting to decipher a set of files with the extension .wbo. The files themselves appear to have been part of a database setup, but I don't know what db format (if any) it was in; the files are simply seperate files, not table-format or anything similar...at least, not as far as I can tell. Opening the file(s) with notepad reveals some normal english phrases, some of which seem to be field names, but that's about it; most of the contents are either unreadable characters or what I'm told is compressed data.

Does anyone know of a program or db setup that uses the .wbo extension? The only thing I could find about it online is that it's an 'Unknown or unassigned file extension'. Any advice you can offer on this would be most appreciated.

Thank you for your consideration,

a wbo is a web business object which is a synonym for a web object (.wo)

according to filext.com:

WebObjects is a rapid application development environment with web services, data access and page generation capabilities.

I'll check into it, but it's my understanding this program has been in use for at least a decade, which makes me think it unlikely that's what the file is. Still, I appreciate the help.

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