PopUp Windows
I just started with Oracle 10 XE (Express Edition) and found a kool How To on creating PopUp Windows in Application Express

I always start with Google for PL/SQL questions. It sometimes takes me to techonthenet.com (syntax refresher) or expertsexchange.com but I never start my search with those sites. As a last resort I will occasionally browse the documentation for some tidbit. You can’t search for something if you don’t know it exists.

The latest thing I have stumbled upon is the Flashback Versions query (10g) which allows you to see all the changes to a record for however far back your undo table space goes. This is useful for comparing what happens when I change something in an application and want to see the before and after.

Does sound useful, gotta link??

Thanx. Looks like Giganto Triple Mohcachino material. ...Kool.

Thanx. Looks like Giganto Triple Mohcachino material. ...Kool.

It can get complicated but here is a simple example. If the unique record 1234 had been changed in the last two days, we would see a row for each change. There are also pseudo columns you can add to see when each change was made.

SELECT tableAlias.* 
  FROM some_modified_table versions 
       between timestamp SYSDATE-2 and SYSDATE tableAlias 
 WHERE tableAlias.primaryKey= 1234

Definate mileage in that one... Now that I'm a couple a weeks far down the road...:) Can definately see a couple of use for that. Kool.

Actually now that I think about it... You've just given me a major clue into how "possibly" implement an offsite backup.... Thanx!

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