Hi there, I'm new to this site, but i'm here because I know some HTML and some Javascript (pretty basic stuff i know) and I am aiming to eventually create my own text based browser game (possibly similar to Facebook's My Heroes Ability or better). I know I probably need to learn more and it may take me a very long time to achieve, but does anyone have any advice on what I should do to get started or do before beginning this ambitious (and somewhat naive) mission? Possibly specific software required? (told you i'm clueless :-/)
I'd be thankful for any suggestions you may have to offer :P

I would say better you could get knowledge about server-side languages like PHP, Perl, ASP.Net, Ruby/Rails, Python/Django, etc. if you want to build a browser-based game. I feel E Book i bought might help you.

I would say better you could get knowledge about server-side languages like PHP, Perl, ASP.Net, Ruby/Rails, Python/Django, etc. if you want to build a browser-based game. I feel E Book i bought might help you.

Wow i love how you link to my site and even use the exact same link text.... sorry for bringing up an old subject

I would say better you could get knowledge about server-side languages like PHP, Perl, ASP.Net, Ruby/Rails, Python/Django, etc. if you want to build a browser-based game. I feel E Book i bought might help you.

None of the above are required for a basic text based browser game, js and html are enough

i hope somebody gets this. lol. i am looking to create a game much like:
http://www.ogame.org/ and http://www.zorgempire.net/

what all do i need 2 know in order 2 do this?

You have to know at least: html and css
and a server side language. I advise PHP, because it is very easy to start with and is used a lot. you can though choose for something else like platinum8 said before.

Be aware that you will not make something like ogame in 1 month, or even a half year if you don't know anything about it.

I would start with outlining the game, showing tech trees, what everything is going to cost, how the general game is played, ect. From there make a nice GUI to use[template] and then start scripting. I've tried this before, it's quite a task!
Good luck :)

I once started creating a PHP-based game. I just had a few ideas, basic lore, and started making the database and scripting.

You know, first the account system, to log in and and such, then started creating more specific game stuff, but it's not only the time that it takes to make such a game that is the problem.

If you haven't planned the game well, and don't document your code, then after a while when your files reach 1000+ lines, and you take a break, you can't just jump in the code. You'll then need like 2 hours to determine what to script.

So unless you have experience with big projects (planning etc) don't start with such a thing.

However, if you still want to make the same mistake I made, then go ahead and go to http://w3schools.com/ and learn PHP (and mysql). For easier javascript, use JQuery (it's really great) and then start planning your game.

Working with a few friends might be easier, because you can motivate eachother to continue.

This is a difficult web application to create... Not really due to the programming (for a novice it would definitely be), but as far as the game statistics and math and structure... along with game play. Not an easy task, but fun to work on.

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