I am going to build a 3d racing game but i failed to make sky. Can anyone tell me that how can i create sky in game
Please tell me some methods or tricks for creating sky.
Also can anyone give me example program which is compile-able so that i can easily understand

One useful trick for creating sky is "sky box". Basically, this is a cube surrounding your entire map (ie everything is inside it). On the inside of the cube, you map a sky texture. Unfortunately, this presents other issues to deal with, such as removing the seams at the edges of the cube. Do a bit of google-ing to see what you can find on sky boxes. I would have given you a link to a site which could help you better, but I would need to know what language and graphics library you are making the game with (eg. C++ and OpenGL) or what SDK you are using (eg. Unreal SDK [UDK] ).

Here are a couple of vids, though neither will be particularly helpful:

One useful trick for creating sky is "sky box". Basically, this is a cube surrounding your entire map (ie everything is inside it). On the inside of the cube, you map a sky texture. Unfortunately, this presents other issues to deal with, such as removing the seams at the edges of the cube. Do a bit of google-ing to see what you can find on sky boxes. I would have given you a link to a site which could help you better, but I would need to know what language and graphics library you are making the game with (eg. C++ and OpenGL) or what SDK you are using (eg. Unreal SDK [UDK] ).

Here are a couple of vids, though neither will be particularly helpful:

I'm using OpenGL and C++

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