I was wondering if it is possible to make [I]an online multi-player game server preferably in batch.[/I] I am hoping to make a PowerPoint game that can be multi-player with the help of batch. Also even answers that do not suit my requirements fully will help, because i am 11 years old and this is about all I know of batch script:

@echo off

@echo on

echo (%time%) (%date%) (%Computername%) (%Username%)


dir /s







ping localhost -n (number in seconds) >nul


start (path) (or filename.extension if the file is in the same folder)




msg * (message)

msg "Title" (message)







set /p letter=
if %letter% == (letter) (operation)

set/p one=

set/p two=%one%

set/p three=%one%%two%

set/a final=%one%%two%%three%

(echo) %one%%two%%three%=%final%

and not much more realy, but what i don't know in batch i try to make up for in javascript, vbscript, C++, htm, html. etc.

Thank you in advance.

PS.Is there any difference between html and htm
Is there any difference between batch and n2
It would be realy helpful in a project i am making if you could help!

In batch???
Why would you want to do that???
Batch is really old. It does not have graphics either, nor multiplayer capability. You can make a super simple word-based game but not much more.
I advise you try C++ with DirectX or OpenGL or XNA Studio.

PS.Is there any difference between html and htm
No. Old computers could have only 3 letter extension so them used htm instead of html. It doesnt matter.

commented: I prefer trying CSharp or Java with a 3D game engine. +0
Member Avatar for nssltd

He may be using batch as a kick off point. Commonly enough in games they use batch file. Most definitely in valve games i think. But batch is more suited to downloading and installing updates ( that's how i see it's used. ) thank creating anything other than hangman?

As sergent said i agree with the C++ idea. but depending on how far you want to go with this. If you only ever want to go to small basic X's and O's games. Then i would honestly sugest visual basic. Because it is very easy to learn and has tons of built in classes.

Do listen to sergent suggestion of XNA. It's not too bad!

Maybe try Java?

Have you tried searching google and looking for results? Maybe searching the forum.

I found this simple result from searching : http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd309586.aspx


Would any programming language be able to operate a powerpoint file?

Thanks for the replys! XNA was very helpful! I have one more question:
Could the same batch file be used by many users at the same time and each of the users can see each other users progress.
This would help in creating a multi-player fighting game like: http://www.naruto-arena.com/the-basics/
Thanks in advance!

Would any programming language be able to operate a powerpoint file?

It is POSSIBLE, because powerpoint reader/creator was created with one of the programming languages. But it is SUPER hard. You will get something like this:

´ñCËßwOÕ-g”Ák°ÁcËg$¾í./šÝ‘XQ{jù˜s¼“’ÔˆH„ˆ¾túä’¦AFP0 ¼®ë©‚Ïès•—¼k°‡Éföx(壓„–8»?.¬–CŒÖ(ÈÅ©Ü{ý‹R¢(×M¤«bƒË³„¥ó7à¤{-¯IF#{ƒ”_ÀR'’dKñæ0åÉFü¿öŒïÐ÷F¡jrå'"&¤×œß@_·ÈõõÝ'   ÿÿ PK     ! pð8ܾ   8     _rels/.rels„Á
Â0Dï‚ÿönÓz‘¦½ˆ xý€%Ù¶Á6	Ù(öïÍÑ‚àqæÍLݾ§Q¼(²õNAU” Èio¬ëÜo§Í'tGïHÁLm³^ÕW1å6°ÈÇ
†”ÂAJÖMÈ…ä²Óù8aÊ2ö2 ~`Or[–;¿Ð,˜âlij©@Üæ›ÿ³}×YMG¯Ÿ¹ô£Bòh
Läoc!ª"ïÙÔrñ·ù   ÿÿ PK     ! GI‘ö  Ë
  !   drs/slideLayouts/slideLayout1.xmlÌWÝrÚ8

It is much easier to create an HTML editor and edit HTML files because they are actually made to be read by humans.

And can I ask you why you want to make a program to operate powerpoint?

And sorry, I don't know much batch so I cannot answer your last question :(

You don't want to use batch for a server. There is no threading capabilities for such a task. You will want a language that has a strong web development base, such as python or php.

Thanks a lot but is this free to play online games?

Is it free to play online games? What do you mean?

He may be using batch as a kick off point. Commonly enough in games they use batch file. Most definitely in valve games i think. But batch is more suited to downloading and installing updates ( that's how i see it's used. ) thank creating anything other than hangman?

As sergent said i agree with the C++ idea. but depending on how far you want to go with this. If you only ever want to go to small basic X's and O's games. Then i would honestly sugest visual basic. Because it is very easy to learn and has tons of built in classes.

Do listen to sergent suggestion of XNA. It's not too bad!

Maybe try Java?

Have you tried searching google and looking for results? Maybe searching the forum.

I found this simple result from searching : http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd309586.aspx


http://article.feedznow.com/how-to-make-an-online/1722353692.aspx, I hope this article will help you to gain more knowledge.

I don't think any native windows console commands support sockets. So making a multi-player game in batch is going to be impossible. I suppose it could be possible to create a file on a shared path on a network, then use batch to read the file and display the scores/etc of other players. But it would literally be easier to learn a real programming language.

thats not true guys. batch isn't useless. i was able to create a batch platform game with gravity and physics. i even made a 2D CLONE of Black ops. someone even made a 2D batch clone of minecraft. batch isn't useless at all.

This is dead but, the ftp command might be useful have batch download a mini ftp server NOGUI must run in cmd. Okay after you need to get a thing like hamachi where you can get lan over internet via NOGUI cmd so you make it like this:

To host:
Start ftp server
Set ftp folders so player 1 has a folder and player 2 has a folder
Set it up so player1 has read only for player2 and vice versa
Set it up where player2 has control over player 2 folder and same for player 1
Then have the player2 start ftp client
connect to player1 ftp server
Use if exists for each others game functions and create file for each game function i created this method and call it poftp (packet over ftp) so they can talk with just existing and content of files. Sorry for all this, hope i helped. P.S. Im 11 too so nothing is impossible.

Im 11 2 this is how you wauld do it when a guy takes a step ford type this echo %random% >"(FileSaveDir)" and to scan for were the player is if exist "(ThatLastFileSave)" set /a fords+=1

@echo off
title Game For A 11 Year Old Kid!
title cool
set for=for=0
goto uu

if exist "\\(FrendsConputer)\(RandomFolder)\fords1.nothing" set frendsfords=1
if %frendsfords%==1 set for=f=1
goto %for%

echo   You
echo    Û
echo    Û
echo  Û Û Û
echo   ÛÛÛ
echo    Û
echo   O
choice /c:wsda /n /m "%rtr%"
if %errorlevel%==w echo >
::Im Lazy So I Did Not Do More But You Get The Point Right?

Im 11 2 I Got Lazy And Did Not Finish This But You Get It Right?

@echo off
title Game For A 11 Year Old Kid!
title cool
set for=for=0
goto uu

if exist "\\(FrendsConputer)\(RandomFolder)\fords1.nothing" set frendsfords=1
if %frendsfords%==1 set for=f=1
goto %for%

echo   You
echo    Û
echo    Û
echo  Û Û Û
echo   ÛÛÛ
echo    Û
echo   O
choice /c:wsda /n /m "%rtr%"
if %errorlevel%==w echo >
::Im Lazy So I Did Not Do More But You Get The Point Right?
commented: This code might be a great idea though. +0
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