I have startd programming in J2ME...comfortable with midlets ...but im a bit confused when it comes to tiled layers.. could any one please help me out.. can any one please give me the logic for developing brick game on mobile..please give me the code if possible

thnx.. however im trying to develop a brick game on mobile... hav few bugs could u please let me know how to overcome this
1. the bricks falling from up does not stop at the bottom, I mean the screen size should be declared
2.the bricks does overlapp on the one down....
I am using threads for continuos fall of bricks...could you please lemme know how to resolve this

thnx.. however im trying to develop a brick game on mobile... hav few bugs could u please let me know how to overcome this

If I may quote Dave Sinkula:

Sorry, psychicdebuggers.com could not be found -- please post your code.

It'll be a lot easier if you post the code you're having problems with rather than trying to make us guess.

Creating Tiled Game Layers?

this book will help you.
"Beginning Mobile Phone Game Programming"

you can search and find it.

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