hey good day to every one..
im just curious.. WHO needs vbgame developers?
heres my side.. first im a vb programmer.. i do game back then in vb6.. and its a real job.. but now as i seach for a new job, i cant find a job that needs vb game programmer. always C++, phyton, or java..
my next question is why is there a forum, books, reference that teach vb games if theres no job for these programmers after they learn it..???
sorry if i sound rude.. but believe me.. im just askin...
thanks for reading and hope to see some replies..

believe me im just curious... its a question!!!!

VB is a bit of a beginners language. It and java are a bit slow for making big games. Thats why basically all big games are made in C++. The VB books are there to teach you the fundementals so that you can then go on and learn C++

ok.. thanks i appreciate the reply..

Yeah, I myself learnt VB then C# (works sorta similar to VB but with C++ style code) then C++.

Yeah, I myself learnt VB then C# (works sorta similar to VB but with C++ style code) then C++.

I followed this exact same route accept i never got deep into VB.

If you want a "real job" with creating games then learn C++

yeah, but VB is good for

a: getting people into programming without scaring them away

b: learning the basic techniques such as OOP, functions etc...

>learning the basic techniques such as OOP
VB.NET. Not the (old) Visual Basic.

still has some classes

Old VB was an object based language, not an object oriented one. There is a major difference you know.

Hey i really apreciate all your suggestions... i believe you all.. thanks!!!! ill try to do wat you all said.. again thanks

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