What is the best solution / IDE etc, to develop for the iphone without using a mac OS. I mainly use Linux but have no problems with using Windows if needed.

As far I know you need Mac OS in order to run their SDK. So NO

cheers Pete, shall have to see if I am able to run Max OS in virtual machine (I have purchased snow leopard) and develop on it k.. I think that mac uses xcode.

I know that people been trying to come up with solution how to get around OS restriction, but as far I'm aware VM and even OS install on Intel machine failed. It somehow detected that OS is not running on Apple official hardware.

cheers.. shame.. would not really want to buy another laptop to just run Mac on it.

Try Android ;) no restriction on OS or IDE. You limited only by your skills and imagination :twisted:

already got a iPhone.. sometimes wish that I did get the Andriod, probably may get the Andriod next time :).

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