Hi Everybody!

Can anybody clear my doubt regarding the Android Application Development? I had a question that does the Android Programming has anything to do with the J2ME platform, I mean to say does the Android Programming uses the J2Me concepts?

Or the Android development is a totally or somewhat different thing than J2ME. I am a Newly Joined Android Developer and I really want to get cleared with this.

Please let me know if anybody is knowing this.

Thank You

I'm a beginner in java programming and i need some body to help me to know more how to develop application for mobile. I need development tools and tutorials

I'm a beginner in java programming and i need some body to help me to know more how to develop application for mobile. I need development tools and tutorials

1. hijacking somebody else question with your own is not nice
2. read Starting mobile development [SDK / tutorials / resources / faq] on the top of this section

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