Hi, i would like to know is it possible to create an application that allows a computer to send and receive SMS to/from a mobile phone without using a GSM modem (maybe just throught wifi)? i was thinking of making a server that would handle the sms'ing process in between. my research so far through this forum all states using a GSM modem. please help..appreciate it much...

Why dont u try bluetooth......

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The easiest way is to use a service. (Yes... It will cost you, but it's relatively cheap!)
You send the service an e-mail (with all the data required)
and THEY will send the SMS message for you.
(I do have an application that will require this process in the future.)
I don't know about receiving, but I expect the service could perform that function as well.

this is what i am trying to do
1)create a java program for a computer that can send and receive message (Instant messaging)

2)create a java program for a mobile phone (Instant messaging)

3)connect this two application together so both of can receive message from one another..

that's the basic idea.... connection should be TCP/IP and a server would handle the sending of messages to and from one another.....

is it possible to achieve the above? any suggestions and guidance?

yes it is possible. But you don't need a gsm simcard for that. you have to options which are almost the same.
1. Use your WLAN
2. Use WAN

basically any two devices can communicate using Tcp as long the IP address is known to both parties.

what exactly are you trying to archive ?

this is what i am trying to do
1)create a java program for a computer that can send and receive message (Instant messaging)

2)create a java program for a mobile phone (Instant messaging)

3)connect this two application together so both of can receive message from one another..

that's the basic idea.... connection should be TCP/IP and a server would handle the sending of messages to and from one another.....

is it possible to achieve the above? any suggestions and guidance?

Well as my name implies I'm not a java guy BUT just to throw an idea out there for you, I'll show you how I send SMS messages from one of my programs in python simply using the SMTP module and Gmail

def send(body):
            def sendit(body, to = two, username = frum, password = pazz):
                print('Verifying Login')
                mail_server = smtplib.SMTP("smtp.gmail.com", 587)
                mail_server.login(username, password)
                mail_server.sendmail(username, to, body)
                print('Login Successful')

        def sender():
            MSG='''Message From User Here'''

which was originally based on a code TechB posted as a response in http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/python/code/380881

I don't know about receiving, but I expect the service could perform that function as well.

Using SMTP you could have use the same email address and receive email in a program, you could do something like checking the sender and only showing or notifying you if the sender == the recipient of your sent message.


How i cant send and receive the sms between android phone and modem GSM?

Please you can help me
Thank you

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