I am very much new to cocos2d.. I am developing an application in android using cocos2d.. In that,

public class BaseLayer extends CCLayer {

ChildLayer cl = new ChildLayer();

public class ChildLayer extends CCLayer {

public ChildLayer() {

In this, arrowed line throws the Null pointer exception..
Error Log is below..

E/AndroidRuntime(982): FATAL EXCEPTION: GLThread 8
11-26 12:50:33.364: E/AndroidRuntime(982): java.lang.NullPointerException
11-26 12:50:33.364: E/AndroidRuntime(982): at org.cocos2d.nodes.CCSprite.draw(CCSprite.java:871)
11-26 12:50:33.364: E/AndroidRuntime(982): at org.cocos2d.nodes.CCNode.visit(CCNode.java:674)
11-26 12:50:33.364: E/AndroidRuntime(982): at org.cocos2d.nodes.CCNode.visit(CCNode.java:680)
11-26 12:50:33.364: E/AndroidRuntime(982): at org.cocos2d.nodes.CCNode.visit(CCNode.java:680)
11-26 12:50:33.364: E/AndroidRuntime(982): at org.cocos2d.nodes.CCNode.visit(CCNode.java:680)
11-26 12:50:33.364: E/AndroidRuntime(982): at org.cocos2d.nodes.CCDirector.drawCCScene(CCDirector.java:683)
11-26 12:50:33.364: E/AndroidRuntime(982): at org.cocos2d.nodes.CCDirector.onDrawFrame(CCDirector.java:651)
11-26 12:50:33.364: E/AndroidRuntime(982): at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(GLSurfaceView.java:1332)
11-26 12:50:33.364: E/AndroidRuntime(982): at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.run(GLSurfaceView.java:1116)
11-26 12:50:34.023: E/libEGL(982): call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)

I dont know how to resolve this issue.. I dont know why this occurs.. Since I am not much familiar with Cocos2d.. Please help me to resolve this issue..

Hello friends,
I have been stuck on this problem for more than 2 days. Please help me to fix it. Give me some suggestion.

Unlikely some one can help with amount of code you shared. I can only suggest debugging and follow logic to find out why you getting null point exception

This is solved.. In constructor,I have called the super class constructor like CCLayer.node() instead of super()
I changed that and the problem is solved..

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