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Member Avatar for JonathanSimon

I’m trying to create a program that accepts a string of characters, which should be able to perform push, pop and peek. The code is running, but the program only accepts the first letter of the string. I’ve tried many different ways to implement the code, but I’m still not …

Software Development c
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for BuhRock

I am writing a program that uses a while loop to determine the largest number input so far. I have to input 10 numbers in whole. At the end of the loop, it should output the largest number. [CODE]import java.util.Scanner; public class Largest { public static void main(String[] args) { …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for ymh07900

Hello, It appears we started receiving errors similar to the one below since last week on our Exchange Server 2016. A staff member stated he was receiving emails normally on his PC but not on his phone. This server has been set up since November 2019 without any issues. The …

Software Development windows
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Vajclav

I want to add a try catch block in the CalculateAverageRate method where I want the user to enter grades 1,2,3,4,5 and for other numbers to throw an exception... I would also like to make a constructor with three parameters (string name, string surname, string date_birth) in which string attributes …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for pwolf

i was on the site pyschools working through the exercises, but i dont understand why it wont accept the code i input. [url]http://www.pyschools.com/quiz/view_question/s4-q2[/url] Create a function generateNumbers(start, end, step) that takes in three numbers as arguments and returns a list of numbers ranging from start to the end number (inclusive)and …

Software Development arguments for-loop python range
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for bjmolo

I have a database with two tables namely Tblreqs and Tbllib, I used Table A to populate into treeview, i want to use the selected node to fill textboxes with data from Table B. Here are the codes have tried so far, please just new Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form1 …

Software Development visual-basic
Member Avatar for Arnold Christian

I got a java programming assignment in where you will ask: 1.) Ask the user to input item name, price, quantity and payment. 2.) Store the responses in the computer's memory. 3.) Displaying the item name, total amount and change. ( PS: Still new to this site, want some help …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Excellent_1

Hello guys, It my frist topic in this forum so i hopeI hope you like it?? In this topic we w'll learn how to check internet connection using a simple code. frist make a new project And add a label and timer . second Double click on timer to type …

Software Development c vb.net windows
Member Avatar for Emmason
Member Avatar for ShadowScripter

I just had to look up the WM_ representation for the mouse scroll, so that I can activate my game camera zoom, more freely, rather than using the arrow keys (which was fun at first) So, I tried implementing the WM_MOUSEWHEEL into the message loop and created a switch statement …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for SHA1962
Member Avatar for Tigran

Hello guys, I've been playing with Direct2D lately, and found out (from a presentation) that converting geometries into meshes makes rendering a lot faster So, how do I do this? I tried this: [CODE] hr = RenderEngine.D2DFactory->CreateRectangleGeometry(D2D1::RectF(0,0,10,10), &pGem); hr = RenderEngine.RenderTarget->CreateMesh(&pMesh); hr = pMesh->Open(&pSink); hr = pGem->Tessellate(D2D1::Matrix3x2F::Identity(), pSink); hr = …

Software Development c++ direct-2d mesh
Member Avatar for dlayne718
Member Avatar for jakub.peciak

I neet to build an vb.net app to comunicate to specific Windows app COM object by sending the XML request and then collect the XML response but I have no idea how to do it. Can anyone guide me how to do it? Here is the COM spec: **IPixPosTrans** is …

Software Development com vb.net visual-basic visual-studio
Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for santonu98

Declare a class (i.e., a type) called CArea and an object (i.e., a variable) of this class called obj. This class contains four members: two data members of type int (member x and member y) with private access and two member functions with public access: set_values() and area(). Calculate the …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Parth_1

I am Developing a project on Face Detection in images for my final year project in university. I am unable to find source code for java. I end up getting source code for opencv or matlab.I need code for face detection on images in java. Face detection as in box …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for hussainmujtaba
Member Avatar for pritaeas

I'm looking to build a command-line tool that will enable me to read an arbitrary XML file combined with a mapping to fill an existing (arbitrary) SQLite database with data. What I'm looking for are conceptual ideas on how to solve this. I've got a possible theoretical solution in mind, …

Software Development mapping sqlite xml
Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for babbu

i want to call the load event of the form inside the click event of the commant button depending upon certain condition how can i do this?

Software Development vb.net
Member Avatar for Nahla_1
Member Avatar for summer_2

The problem I face is since I use this type of loop to achieve the delete function, i really don't know where should i put the "else" statement when the searching result is not found in the file. Because the while loop need to run whether the result is found …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for Ivan_35

Hi everyone, can someone please help me and give advice as to which software solution to use for the business process described below: Process description by person : Person1: RECORDING THE SPEECH, CREATING THE VISUALS 1 By using the PowerPoint software, create the background image file by updating the title, …

Software Development sql
Member Avatar for Ivan_35
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

##This project implements a multiple timer application. It was written in 1. Python 3.8.2 2. wxPython 4.1.0 Feel free to experiment. Here are some possible enhancements: 1. Add the ability to run a program when the timer expires. With a little scripting you could, for example, schedule the sending of …

Software Development python timer wxpython
Member Avatar for ddanbe

OK, not completely, I admit. I used some different colors(colours) here and there. But this code will put you on the way. This is a little modification of code I use to show a matrix in a form. Just start a new Forms app and fill in the code. Enjoy!

Software Development datagridview
Member Avatar for jessechunn
Member Avatar for rodeostar04

I am having problems using the square root function in my program. I have included <cmath> outside of main and my formula using the square root looks like this: area=sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)); but, I keep getting an error that says 'sqrt' cannot be used as a function. I would appreciate any suggestions. …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for N@sir
Member Avatar for ellaine101591

Hello! i'm only a beginner in programming and only have a few idea about creating a program. We have an assignment to create a hangman: Write a program that plays the game of Hangman. The program should pick a word(which is coded directly into the program) and display the following: …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for MUGDHA_2
Member Avatar for luffy_D

I am trying build a webpage which takes a large tab delimited `.txt/.txt.gz `file as user input from a form and using `POST` method(`test.html`) to send the data to `cgi-bin` directory to `file.py` which ideally should open the file read and put the data into a dataframe and do some …

Software Development database python
Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for xoxmikestersxox

Here's my code for a Hangman game I'm developing: #include <iostream> using namespace std; const char *const Words[]={"America", "Barrack", "country", "doctors","salamat"}; #define NWORDS (sizeof Words/sizeof (char *)) int main() { const char *toguess=Words[0]; char guess[15] = " "; int numguesses = 1; char ch; string str1; string str2; // string …

Software Development c++ game-programming gaming
Member Avatar for MUGDHA_2
Member Avatar for robinlrandall

The following Python 2.7 Calendar program works nicely with a Frame and a Panel, but when I try to change to change the Frame to an MDIParentFrame and the Panel to an MDIChildFrame (or MDIClientWindow) I cannot get it to work. I went to this because I had trouble getting …

Software Development calendar python-2 wx
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

Python-wxPython Tutorial This tutorial will take you through the basics of wxPython. ##Introduction: Let's face it. I am a dinosaur. I got my computer science degree in the mid 70s. And it won't be long before **I** am in **my** mid 70s. So why am I trying to learn Python? …

Software Development python sudoku tutorial wxpython
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for SpiffyCS

Is there a way to search a drive's files only for a specific file format, then display them to the user (and stored somewhere to be used later)? Maybe with the Shell, but I don't know how to use it very well. At the moment, I have a dropdown to …

Software Development visual-basic visual-basic-6 windows
Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for muhammadnasiri

two error come of (strcpy was not declare in this scope) would any one show me, hw to remove this error, ... plz Project Title: Student Record & Registration using Linked list Description: This project is a Linked List application. If you would like to refresh you knowledge about linked …

Software Development c++ linked-list list python
Member Avatar for J_7
Member Avatar for anveshi

Hi friends. Please tell me how to display a image file on the screen in C? If u r kind to me, send the code snippet.

Software Development c
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for bis student

Hi this is my question , and I have some error in my code ,and I cant correct them ,and I am asking if you could help me ? this is the question : Create a class called BloodDonor that maintains information about blood donors in a blood bank having …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for Alia_2
Member Avatar for IndiaofCarl

I have three problems the first one is to count the letters in a string in Assambler in MIPS. the string that should be counted is "My bird is a happy bird and he like to sing" .data ANTAL_TAL: .word 11 TAL_ARRAY: .word 1, 3, 6, 9, 2, 4, 6, …

Software Development assembly
Member Avatar for stellaa9x

The End.