Hi. When i run a dephi 7 project the executable file is created with only 1.9mb size,
actually it should have been around 7 mb. Can any one help me ?

Hi. I think you are using packages. Try <Ctrl-Shift-F11>, go to the Packages tab and check the state of Build with runtime packages. If it is checked, you are using packages (*.bpl or *.dpl on older versions); if not, everything but the dlls will be in the executable. In the second case, the executable file will be much bigger.

I hope it helps.

Thanks mate. It worked.

Hello kamatatul,

It sure wouldnt hurt to mark to problem 'solved' and give this user a reputation point for helping you so quickly..

I dont mean to spam, just hoping that the author of this thread sees this and makes the corrections. :) Please delete this if it is considered unneeded or spam-like.

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