how can we create a password and change the password?
thank you!!

hi please clear your question do you want this in windows xp or in linux?
well for xp-control panel-user acoounts-and from there u can change your password or create it

how can we create a password and change the password?
thank you!!

i want to do the program with visual basic c++

What kind of passwords are you wanting to create? What are you wanting to use the passwords for?

Also, Visual Basic and Visual C++ are two different programs. I'm assuming you mean Visual C++?

What kind of passwords are you wanting to create? What are you wanting to use the passwords for?

Also, Visual Basic and Visual C++ are two different programs. I'm assuming you mean Visual C++?

yes is the visual c++

I think you can use Access database to store the passwords and use ADO controler to operation the database.


If he wants a password to get into his program, he could control it with the OS, or he could wriite/use an encryption module to prompt the user for a password, and then write the encrypted string to a file. Then, when access time comes around, have him read in the value, and then do a compare to see if they match or not.

This can be done. If security is not all important, and this is just an exercise, or proof-of-concept type of thing, you can store the password in clear text. Nothing more than a a file open -- read -- compare exercise.


i also need the code i have realy tried to do myself but i m new so i feel very difficulty plz send me at
<<snipped e-mail>>

i also need the code i have realy tried to do myself but i m new so i feel very difficulty plz send me at
<<snipped e-mail>>

Might the sir be needing anything else?

>Might the sir be needing anything else?
For future reference, please be aware that email addresses in posts are against the rules and extremely likely to be removed by the moderators. If you quote the email address, that doubles the work required to clean up the mess because the mod has to edit both the original post and the quote in your post. So please snip judiciously if you must reply to posts that break the rules.


First: What Narue said.
Second: A meaningless bump like this (begging for code) will be deleted by me. By replying to this bump, you give me 2 choices:
1. Leave them both (as in this case) and explain why you shouldn't do this
2. Delete them both which also costs me extra time.

So please just press the 'flag bad post' button on the post and save me some time :)

>Might the sir be needing anything else?
For future reference, please be aware that email addresses in posts are against the rules and extremely likely to be removed by the moderators. If you quote the email address, that doubles the work required to clean up the mess because the mod has to edit both the original post and the quote in your post. So please snip judiciously if you must reply to posts that break the rules.

Yes, i missed it. Sorry!

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib> // for exit(1);

using namespace std;

void Login();

int main()
	return 0;

void Login()
	char login_un[50], login_pw[50], username[50], password[50];
	int c;
	ifstream uin("user.txt");
	ifstream pin("pass.txt");
		<<"(1) Login\n"
		<<"(2) Quit\n";
	cin>> c;
	if (c==1)
		uin.getline(username, 50);
		while (strcmp(login_un, username) !=0)
			cout<<"Username: ";
			cin.getline(login_un, 50);
			if (strcmp(login_un, username) ==0) break;
				cout<<"\nInvalid Username.\n";
		pin.getline(password, 50);
		while (strcmp(login_pw, password) !=0)
			cout<<"\nPassword: ";
			cin.getline(login_pw, 50);
			if (strcmp(login_pw, password) ==0) break;
				cout<<"\nInvalid Password\n";
	else if (c==2)
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