
I already tried to post this on the dev-c++ - forum at sourceforge, but didn't check for the far too low frequency at that forum (about two questions per week). Thus i tried t find a better visited one and found this here.

I use:

Windows XP/SP2
example program not applicable (an empty c file suffices)



Has anybody an idea of how to configure the path for temporary batch files in Dev-C++?
So, that it can point to an other dir than the default temp dir of the user?


Where it comes from:

The Dev-C++ - IDE in the default configuration needs "execute" access rights on the temp directory to create and execute a batch file for the invocation of make.
I am dedicated to stop the necessity of setting execute access rights on the global temp directory for the user, because this violates one layer of user protection against malware or respectively hinders using the internet while programming.



Well: Since about 15 years, Linux as well as Windows NT deliver the possibility to configure access rights in a way that users MAY protect themselfs against an exponentially growing mass of malware (as long as a minimum requirement of IQ in the area of suicide-prevention for computer users is met).

This especially includes a XOR between normal user's execute access and normal user's write access.

Microsoft has created a whole OS release around nothing else useful than exactly this one matter.


There SHOULD be a possibility to circumvent this violation of personal protection act.
It would suffice to configure a special temp directory (as it is possible with the asbach-uralt Microsoft MSVC 4 IDE) for those temporary files - like it is for the output exe file of the make process.

My attempts to locate such a configuration option via google was not successful until now.

Create a small command (or batch) file, which reads as follows

@echo off
set TMP=C:\temp
start C:\Dev-Cpp\devcpp.exe

Change paths to suit.

Your default environment sets TMP and TEMP to point to a directory in your local settings. But you can reassign them to be whatever you want on a per process basis.

Create a small command (or batch) file, which reads as follows

@echo off
set TMP=C:\temp
start C:\Dev-Cpp\devcpp.exe

Well, OK: The simpliest solution a fingertip away. Thanks.

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