Hi i m a new usr just loggd in..can anyone help in developing a code 4 msking a telephone directory using class?

is der ny1 2 help me?hw can i c th rply 4 ma questns?

>can anyone help in developing a code 4 msking a telephone directory using class?
Can you be any more specific?

>is der ny1 2 help me?hw can i c th rply 4 ma questns?
Not if you keep typing like your keyboard is broken. Full sentence English with an attempt at proper spelling and grammar encourages people to help you. Annoying and stupid abbreviations or chat speak will just get you ignored.

@Narue: Your good...i didn't comprehend what he was saying initially.
@anumalayil: We wont do your homework for you! However, you need to start. These are what i think you should include in your program:

printf("1.Add Records\n");
   printf("2.List Records\n");
   printf("3.Modify Records\n");
   printf("4.Finding Number\n");
   printf("5.Finding Name\n");
   printf("6.Delete Records\n");

Forgot to add you'll need some switch statements & functions to go along with the above mentioned.

>@Narue: Your good...i didn't comprehend what he was saying initially.
I wasn't always a good little programmer. Unfortunately, some of the stuff I did required fluency in various dialects of l33t.

commented: oh great...another language to learn. +2

how to create a telephone directiry using class?

>how to create a telephone directiry using class?
Still not enough detail. What is the class supposed to do? Describe the functionality of this "telephone directory". Remember that we can't read your mind.

i want to create a menu driven telephone directory

What part of "give more detail" is difficult for you? This is the last time I'll ask, and if you fail to describe your requirements, I'm not going to help you anymore.

Now, describe how the telephone directory works, with details and example input/output.

i want to write the code for making a telephone directory in c++ language using class(oops)
a telephone directory which is menu driven
containing many choices like
1.create a new member
2.editing the existing data
3.deleting etc
i hope you would help me

Please post what you have so far so that we can review it....again...we won't do your assignment for you!

>i hope you would help me
Sorry, I have no interest in playing 20 questions just to get the tiniest bit of information out of you.

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