hi people im hemamalin doing ma 4th yr in software field.. i hve gotta mini project and im wrking upon it. its dat im using java eclipse as ma software and i would like to hve basic pdf documents so dat i can learn from it,
it would be kind enough for u people if u help me out with sites which has good tutorials about eclipse platform, so i can download those..

4th year and your grammar is that terrible? Are you asking for tutorials on how to use Eclipse?

yup i hand ma hand on sms way !!! fine sorry for the inconvienence caused, is there anything wrong that i asked for help on ecllipse platform???

Have you looked at the Eclipse documentation at all yet?

no, i have no grace idea of what eclipse is about!!
i have basic knowledge on java

try google'ing I hear its the source of most knowledge

There's nothing wrong with asking for help.

Eclipse is an IDE, a fairly robust one at that. Visit the Eclipse website, amazing what you can find out about a program when you visit its site.

Interesting is it how someone at that stage of his studies is incapable of figuring out for itself where to get such basic information (nor how to write correct English)?

Interesting is it how someone at that stage of his studies is incapable of figuring out for itself where to get such basic information (nor how to write correct English)?

a guy in one of my 300 leve java classes didnt have his system path set to java/bin and never used java command line tools.

as for eclipse i just used it and learned. you should look up FindBugs for eclipse

When you install eclipse, it has some tutorials immediately available and gives directions to eclipse.org site where more tutorials and documentation are stored.

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