Dear All,
Well I am not very much new in perl but some time i write codes according to my need . Actually I am working in computational chemistry field . I have a protein data bank file and it had many columns like create a text file having different columns . If i want to delete some to columns from that file using perl script so how can i do that . Another thing related to one column having no 1-99 and 1-99 in one serines followd by another series on a no like UOE 1--1 and UOE 2--2 it represent to atom no actually . I want to change it is 1 to no of total atom. Can anybody help me out .I have also attached a sample file.
Thanks and regards

Do you know any perl at all?

Yes I do , I do only write small script like automation of program actually my requirement is very specific , i usually some time need the perl . So if help in this issue it will be very grateful for me

Yes I do , I do only write small script like automation of program actually my requirement is very specific , i usually some time need the perl . So if help in this issue it will be very grateful for me

what have you done so far, with perl with respect to your question above?

How about converting the text file into a database and then use perl?

I will be glad to help, but I don't know where to start. All you have done so far is post a very general and somewhat vague idea of what you want to do. If you can be more specific maybe I can help.

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