Firstly I'm not sure where to put this post because it falls under java and, but since I'm guessing that the main part needs to be done with my java files, i put in here.
OK, so i am trying to create a console application to run my java files instead of a batch file, iv got that sorted out now i need to know if its possible for my java files to accept input from my console application and also if it does, how then do i send the input to my java files, thanks.

if you mean running at startup from the batch file you could invoke the java jar and supply it with a series of arguments?

Is this console application written in java? Is it a java console application? If so you can capture input from the user by doing (I think its something like that) deffo in the System class namespace.

No its written in VB.NET thats why I'm not sure whether its possible for my java files to accept input from it. If it was a java application it would be easy but its not :S

*Not a good idea* but you could get VB to write to a text file, and java to probe the text file periodically for the data?

*Not a good idea* but you could get VB to write to a text file, and java to probe the text file periodically for the data?

ah thats a good idea, it would take a while for me to do that though.

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