please could any one give a short note about java ajax?

ajax stands for Asynchronous Javascript and XML.
Now technically this is not a java technology, While javascript and java have similar syntax, they are both quite different, Javascript is an interpreted language while Java is compiled into a intermediate language called bytecode (or fcode depending on how far back you look ) and is then run by a Just In Time compiler called the Java Virtual Machine.

AJAX refers to using JavaScript with the Document Object Model to allow a designer to create a seamless feel to there page, They do this buy requesting information from the server and instead of taking you to another page JavaScript is then used to display this information some were with in the page.


But i must continue on to state that while java does have bindings for the DOM, AJAX refers to the usage with JavaScript (refereed to on the w3c site as ECMAScript) to create dynamic webpages.

But you may use serverlets or jsp to provide the contents for these pages.

But i must continue on to state that while java does have bindings for the DOM, AJAX refers to the usage with JavaScript (refereed to on the w3c site as ECMAScript) to create dynamic webpages.

But you may use serverlets or jsp to provide the contents for these pages.

thank you ..

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