I would like to know it is possible to embed flash with .fla extension file into the VB6? I had tried to place it in the picture box but the VB6 dont let me to do so. If it is possible, can anyone guide me to play a flash within VB6 program. The flash should pause in the begining and start moving after user invoke it.

u can play flash file on the vb 6 but not using .fla file, play with .swf file

to play u must use shockwave flash.. find it on component.

i see, is there a way to convert .fla file to .swf? I can't afford to rebuild everything... since the .fla file is build on macromedia mx. If there is really no way to convert my file, may i know what software is corresponding to build .swf file? It seem tedious to ask, but i am not familiar with flash stuff. thx for helping

convert the fla file to swf file with macromedia flash. and use swf file in vb.

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