hi all, i m a newbie in this forum and vb.net application, but i want to learn this language. please help with your post. Thx all. :)
this my question :
How i can make my font to looks Bold, Italic or Underline in rich text box with vb.net ??

Ok. Best Regards...

this my sample code but i m got an error :
RichTextBox1.Font.Bold = False
how it can be?? i think i did not do mistake with that code.
Please Help me...
Best Regards

Try these:

RichTextBox.SelectionFont = New Font("Tahoma", 12, FontStyle.Underline)
RichTextBox.SelectionFont = New Font("Tahoma", 12, FontStyle.Bold)
RichTextBox.SelectionFont = New Font("Tahoma", 12, FontStyle.Italic)

Then add the text to the RichTextBox Control.

commented: Very Helpfull +1
commented: Help me too +1

already answered by pogumahone.
anyelse friends...

commented: :) +1

Thx for the code all. I will post some again.
see you friends... :)

Hi all,

Can we able to format BOLD and ITALIC to the same text?
Please reply ASAP.

Can we able to format BOLD and ITALIC to the same text?
Please reply ASAP.

How about make your own thread???

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