hi I'm doing a banking project using binary files I need to write into a binary file and read and calculate the amounts within it. I open a file by asking the user for their name and searching and a file. I am having trouble reading the integers into a file and calculating.Here is my code so far.I'm also seem to have trouble with a file 'Index'(binary) which stores the users info but when I'm reading the file into a struct only one person is found whilst searching which was the first person entered in the file.Can anyone help me Please?!?!?

[*]#include   <stdio.h>
[*]#include   <string.h>
[*]#include   <stdlib.h>

[*]#define MAX 100

[*]int menu(void);
[*]int display(int i);
[*]void customer_search(void);
[*]void AccNo_search(void);
[*]void createFile(char *);
[*]void openFile(char *);
[*]void enter(void);
[*]void save(void);
[*]void load(void);

[*]struct catalog
[*]       char name[80];
[*]       char AccNo[6];
[*]       char address[80];
[*]       unsigned date;
[*]       unsigned char month;

[*]struct bank
[*]        char BankName[20];
[*]        unsigned LastAccNum;
[*]        unsigned sortCode;

[*]struct Account
[*]   int amounts[100];    

[*]int top = 0;

[*]int main()
[*]              int choice;
[*]              load();
[*]              system("CLS");
[*]              do
[*]                {
[*]                         choice = menu();
[*]                         switch(choice)
[*]                               { 
[*]                                       case 1: enter();
[*]                                            break;
[*]                                       case 2: customer_search();
[*]                                            break;
[*]                                       case 3: AccNo_search();
[*]                                            break;
[*]                                       case 4: save();
[*]                               }
[*]                } while(choice !=5);

[*]       return 0;

[*]            /* Return a menu selection*/
[*]int menu(void)
[*]    int i;
[*]    char str[80];
[*]         printf("\t\n\aHallinan Savings Inc.\n\n");             
[*]         printf("1->Add Customer\n");
[*]         printf("2->Search by Name\n");
[*]         printf("3->Search by Account Number\n");
[*]         printf("4->Save added Customers\n");
[*]         printf("5->Quit\n");     
[*]           do
[*]                {
[*]                                 printf("Make your selection:  ");
[*]                                 gets(str);
[*]                                 i = atoi(str);
[*]                                 printf("\n");                        
[*]                } while(i < 1 || i > 5);   
[*]           return i;
[*]    /*Enter customer into file */
[*]void enter()
[*]     int i;
[*]     char temp[80];
[*]     for (i = top; i<MAX ; i++)
[*]            {
[*]                   cat[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct catalog));
[*]                          if(!cat[i])
[*]                                 {
[*]                                                 printf("Out Of Memory\n");
[*]                                                 return;
[*]                                 }
[*]                 printf("Enter customer name (ENTER to Quit):");
[*]                 gets(cat[i] -> name);                
[*]                             if(!*cat[i] -> name)
[*]                                         break;
[*]                 createFile(cat[i] -> name);
[*]                 printf("\nEnter AccNo:  ");
[*]                 gets(cat[i] -> AccNo);                
[*]                 printf("\nEnter address:  ");
[*]                 gets(cat[i] -> address);                
[*]                 printf("\nEnter year: ");
[*]                 gets(temp);                
[*]                 cat[i] -> date = (unsigned) atoi(temp);
[*]                 printf("\nEnter month: ");
[*]                 gets(temp);                
[*]                 cat[i] -> month = (unsigned) atoi(temp);
[*]                }
[*]     top =i ;
[*]/* Search for customer */

[*]void customer_search()
[*]     char name[80];
[*]     char ans;
[*]     int i , found;
[*]         printf("Name:  ");
[*]         gets(name);
[*]         found = 0;
[*]               for (i=0; i<top; i++)
[*]                   {
[*]                         if (!strcmp(name,cat[i]->name))
[*]                                        {
[*]                                                 display(i);
[*]                                                 found = 1;
[*]                                                 printf("\n");
[*]                                               printf("\n\nWould you like to Open this customer file?(Y/N)");
[*]                                                   scanf("%c",&ans);
[*]                                                 if(ans == 'y' || ans =='Y')
[*]                                                    {
[*]                                                        i-1;
[*]                                                       openFile(cat[i]->name);
[*]                                                     }
[*]                                        }
[*]                   }
[*]             if(!found)
[*]                   printf("Not Found\n");


[*]void AccNo_search()
[*]     char AccNo[80],ans;
[*]     int i , found;
[*]         printf("AccNo:  ");
[*]         gets(AccNo);
[*]         found = 0;
[*]               for (i=0; i<top; i++)
[*]                   {
[*]                         if (!strcmp(AccNo,cat[i] -> AccNo))
[*]                                        {
[*]                                                 display(i);
[*]                                                 found = 1;
[*]                                                 printf("\n\nWould you like to Open this customer file?(Y/N)");
[*]                                                   scanf("%c",&ans);
[*]                                                 if(ans == 'y' || ans =='Y')
[*]                                                    {
[*]                                                        i-1;
[*]                                                       openFile(cat[i]->name);
[*]                                                     }
[*]                                                 printf("\n");
[*]                                        }
[*]                   }
[*]             if(!found)
[*]                   printf("Not Found\n");

[*]             /*Display entries*/    
[*]int display(int i)
[*]                  system("CLS");
[*]                  printf("%s\n",cat[i]->AccNo);
[*]                  printf("Account Holder Name: %s\n",cat[i]->name); 
[*]                  printf("address: %s\n",cat[i]->address);
[*]                  printf("Year and Month: %u %u ",cat[i]->date,cat[i]->month);
[*]                        /*load file*/
[*]void load(void)
[*]     FILE *fp;
[*]     FILE *fp2;
[*]     int i;
[*]         if((fp =fopen("index","rb"))==NULL)
[*]                {
[*]                                              printf("File does not exist on disk");
[*]                                              return;
[*]                }
[*]         if(fread(&top,sizeof top,1,fp) !=1)
[*]                              {
[*]                                        printf("Error Reading count");
[*]                              }
[*]         for (i=0 ; i < top ; i++)
[*]                  {
[*]                        cat[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct catalog));
[*]                               if (!cat[i])
[*]                                  {
[*]                                           printf("Out of Memory->\n");
[*]                                           top = i-1;
[*]                                           break;
[*]                                  }
[*]                               if(fread(cat[i], sizeof(struct catalog),1,fp) !=1)
[*]                                                {
[*]                                                              printf("Error reading customer data->\n");
[*]                                                }
[*]                  }
[*]      if((fp2 =fopen("bank","rb"))== NULL )
[*]         {
[*]                    printf("File does not exist on disk");
[*]                      return;
[*]         }
[*]         if(fread(&top,sizeof top,1,fp2) !=1)
[*]                              {
[*]                                        printf("Error Reading count");
[*]                                      //  exit(1);
[*]                              }
[*]     for (i=0 ; i < top ; i++)
[*]                  {
[*]                        bank[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct bank));
[*]                               if (!bank[i])
[*]                                  {
[*]                                           printf("Out of Memory->\n");
[*]                                           top = i-1;
[*]                                           break;
[*]                                  }
[*]                               if(fread(bank[i], sizeof(struct bank),1,fp2) !=1)
[*]                                                {
[*]                                                              printf("Error reading catalog data->\n");
[*]                                        //                      exit(1);
[*]                                                }
[*]                  }
[*]     fclose(fp2);
[*]     fclose(fp);

[*]/* Save the catalog file */

[*]void save()
[*]    FILE *fp;
[*]     int i;
[*]           if((fp =fopen("index","w+"))==NULL)
[*]                       {
[*]                                              printf("Cant open file->\n");
[*]                                              exit(1);
[*]                       }
[*]           if(fwrite(&top,sizeof top,1,fp) !=1)
[*]                               {
[*]                                        printf("Error Writting count.\n");
[*]                                        exit(1);
[*]                               }
[*]         for(i=0 ; i < top ; i++)
[*]                 {
[*]                       if(fwrite(cat[i], sizeof(struct catalog), 1, fp) != 1)
[*]                                         printf("Error writing count.\n");
[*]                 }
[*]         fclose(fp);
[*]void createFile(char *filename)
[*]         FILE *fp;
[*]         int i;
[*]           if((fp =fopen(filename,"wb+"))==NULL)
[*]                       {
[*]                                              printf("\nCant open file->\n");
[*]                                              exit(1);
[*]                       }
[*]           if(fwrite(&top,sizeof top,1,fp) !=1)
[*]                               {
[*]                                        printf("\nError Writting count.\n");
[*]                               }
[*]         for(i=0 ; i < top ; i++)
[*]                 {
[*]                       if(fwrite(cat[i], sizeof(struct catalog), 1, fp) != 1)
[*]                                         printf("\nError writing count.\n");
[*]                 }
[*]         fclose(fp);

[*]void openFile(char *file)

[*]     FILE *fp;
[*]     int i;
[*] printf("%s OPENED!!",file);    
[*] if((fp =fopen(file,"rb"))==NULL)
[*]                {
[*]                                              printf("\nFile does not exist on disk");
[*]                                              return;
[*]                }
[*]         if(fread(&top,sizeof top,1,fp) !=1)
[*]                              {
[*]                                        printf("\nError Reading count");
[*]                              }
[*]         for (i=0 ; i < top ; i++)
[*]                  {
[*]                        acc[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct Account));
[*]                               if (!acc[i])
[*]                                  {
[*]                                           printf("\nOut of Memory->\n");
[*]                                           top = i-1;
[*]                                           break;
[*]                                  }
[*]                               if(fread(acc[i], sizeof(struct Account),1,fp) !=1)
[*]                                                {
[*]                                                              printf("\nError reading customer data->\n");
[*]                                                }
[*]                  }

Unfortunately, your code is very hard to follow. Indentation is necessary for readability, but you went to the extreme and lost readability. See this for formatting help.

Also, you are using a very dangerous command -- gets() -- click to see why.
And a few questionable commands:
scanf("%c", ...);

It also help to give details, as specified in the post Read Me: Read This Before Posting

yeah, you cant post 300 lines of code and expect people to sift through it. even if it didnt wrap across line breaks.

try parse out your specific questions, and make a simple example of what your main (or first) problem is. then work from there.

There are a lot of pointers in your code. Try to debug them.

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