Is there any way to indicate row number of a datagrid? I mean
list1.listindex = 1 means 2nd item of that list box,
how can i indicate such type in datagrid?
I want to select a row from datagrid and with my given criteria depending on the row number or such indicating number, value will be changed in text box. how can i indicate row?
Please help me.....

Private Sub DataGrid1_Click()
dg.MarqueeStyle = dbgHighlightRowRaiseCell
myVariable = DataGrid1.Columns(0).Value
End Sub

DataGrid1.FirstRow + DataGrid1.Row - 1

FirstRow is the row number of the first row that is visible in the grid.
Row is the row number of the rows that are visible.
-1 is to offset Firstrow which starts at 1

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